“Run” States#

The Idem sls.run state lets you invoke other SLS files multiple times but with different arguments and parameters each time. An sls.run state uses the following inputs:

  • sls_sources(list[str])

    SLS files to invoke

  • inline parameters

    Parameter values entered directly in the sls.run, which are then passed to the invoked SLS files to create the different results

  • params(list[str, Any], Optional)

    Parameter files to pass to the current execution of the sls.run state, where values from those files create the different results

In case of duplicate parameter names, the order of value precedence is:

  1. Inline parameters entered directly as sls.run arguments

  2. Parameters from parameter files included in a params argument of the sls.run state declaration

  3. Parameter files supplied to idem execution, such as with the --params option from the command line

Example SLS Run#

The following example creates three networks with different options by passing parameters to sls.run state execution. Idem applies the differences by calling a separate parameter file in each case, and by using an inline parameter to assign different names.

    - sls_sources:
        - sls.network
    - network_name: Network_A
    - params:
        - params.file1

    - sls_sources:
        - sls.network
    - network_name: Network_B
    - params:
        - params.file2

    - sls_sources:
        - sls.network
    - network_name: Network_C
    - params:
        - params.file3

To add a fourth network, you would add another sls.run block with different parameters.

Nested SLS Runs#

An SLS source file called with the sls.run function can also include another sls.run block. Using this technique, you can nest sls.run blocks within different SLS files:

    - name: "Instance A"
    - state_B_address: "${cloud:State_B:nics[0]:address}"

    - name: "Instance B"
    - nics:
        - network_name: "Network_1"
          # address is populated after state is executed
        - network_name: "Network_2"
          # address is populated after state is executed

# nested sls.run

    - sls_sources:
        - sls.instances
    - params:
        - params.file3
    - instance_tag: cluster-autoscale

Argument Binding#

To create an argument binding to a value that comes from a file included in an sls.run, add <sls-run-state-name>. to the beginning of the state name. For example:



  • sls:Network_A refers to the sls.run state

  • cloud:State_B refers to the state to reference inside the included file

  • nics[0]:address refers to the desired attribute in the referenced state

The following example shows two argument bindings, to the results from two sls.run states that reference the same included file and attribute. when we do argument binding from sls.run state, we should add the require requisite of that sls.run state.

    - result: True
    - changes: 'skip'
    - new_state:
        "network_A_address": ${cloud:Network_A.State_B:nics[0]:address}
        "network_B_address": ${cloud:Network_B.State_B:nics[0]:address}
    - require:
        - sls: Network_A