Running Full Test Suite#

To run the test suite, follow these steps.


Install docker

Run a container with a kafka server for the event tests.

$ docker run --rm -p 9092:9092  \
    -e KAFKA_CFG_PROCESS_ROLES=broker,controller \
    -e KAFKA_BROKER_ID=1 \

Run a container with a rabbitmq server for the event tests.

$ docker run -p 5672:5672 \
          --env RABBITMQ_HOSTS=localhost \
          --env RABBITMQ_PORT=5672 \
          --env RABBITMQ_USER=guest \
          --env RABBITMQ_PASS=guest \
          --env RABBITMQ_PROTOCOL=amqp \

Add the plaintext example credentials file to your environment variables. Make sure to set an empty ACCT_KEY so that the credentials get read as plain text.

$ export ACCT_FILE="$PWD/example/credentials.yml"
$ export ACCT_KEY=""

Run Tests With Flexible Environment#

Install pip 21, as later versions of pip cause issues with projects installed in editable mode. Also install the test requirements, and the idem directory –in ediable mode. Pytest allows a lot of flexibility and fine-tuned control over what is being tested. The downside to pytest is that variations in the environment can cause difficult-to-debug behavior.

$ pip install pip==21 -r requirements/
$ pip install -e .

Run the tests with pytest!

$ pytest tests

Running Tests With Static Environment#

The CI/CD pipelines on gitlab run the idem tests with nox. Nox will install the idem requirements for you and run every test in the suite. Nox allows us to have a static repeatable environment for testing. The downside to Nox is that it takes a long time to run.

$ pip install nox

Run the tests with nox!

$ nox -p 3.10