Create Provider Plugin#

It is recommended to use a python virtualenv when creating a new Idem provider plugin. We’ll give some instructions below, but feel free to use what environment tool you’re comfortable with.

Create a virtual env#


Ensure you have Python 3.8 or later available. You’re good if running the command python -V displays a version of Python 3.8 or newer. Otherwise you might need to use python3 instead of python in the commands in the rest of this tutorial.

We’re going to create the directory where we’ll begin our project. We’re going to use the project name “idem-sqlite-demo”.

mkdir idem-sqlite-demo
cd idem-sqlite-demo
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Let’s update to the latest pip inside our virtual env:

pip install -U pip

Now you should be in your new python virtualenv.

Install Idem and pop-create#

Now we’re going to install “pop-create”.

pip install idem
pip install pop-create

The above command installs everything we need to create our provider plugin.

Initiate Plugin#

The following command creates our plugin. The -n flag specifies the name of our plugin. The -tv flag indicates the type is a “vertical app merge project”. This is a POP term that means our plugin is meant to be an extension to local Idem command. The -d flag accepts a list names of “Dynamic Namespaces” that you want to have created for you.

pop-create -n idem-sqlite-demo -tv -d exec states tool acct

Now we have the skeleton of our first Idem Provider Plugin. You’ll notice that things such as docs and testing has already been set up for you.

Install New Plugin#

Now let’s install our new Idem Provider Plugin into our environment.

pip install -e .


There is currently a bug introduced in setuptools 64.0.0 that makes editable installs fail. If your version of setuptools 64.0.0 or greater you may need to use the following command to workaround this bug.

pip install -e . --config-settings editable_mode=strict

Create a Demo function#


Now that we have the skeleton of an Idem Provider Plugin, let’s create a simple Exec module to show how it works.

mkdir idem_sqlite_demo/exec/demo
touch idem_sqlite_demo/exec/demo/

Edit idem_sqlite_demo/exec/demo/ with the following contents

async def hello(hub, ctx):
    """hello world example"""
    result = dict(comment=[], ret=None, result=True)
    result["comment"] = "sample comment"
    result["ret"] = "Hello, World."
    return result


Now we can run our little hello function with Idem like this:

idem exec demo.test.hello

Notice that demo is the directory inside our exec directory, test is the python file and hello is the python function hello inside th file. You can always track down the location of code within Idem like that. You can nest directories as deep as you need. If your cloud has multiple products you can group them by file and directory however you need. A good example of this is the idem-aws exec module.

Now that we’ve created a simple Hellow World example, let’s go a little deeper in the next section on Exec modules.