SLS Metadata#

Sometimes it may be desirable for metadata to be stored inside of an SLS file. This can be useful for defining any additional data that an external system may want to use that is not included inside of the Idem runtime.

SLS Level Metadata#

Add metadata to an SLS file is very simple, just make a top level key in the SLS file called META:

  foo: bar
    - 1
    - True
    - "a string"

The META key is transferred into the idem run’s running dict under the name meta and can be retrieved by anyone who has access to the run on the hub.

Found in hub.idem.RUNS[<run name>]["meta"]["SLS"]

The metadata is stored relative to the SLS reference where the original metadata was found.

ID Level Metadata#

Metadata can also be stored inside the ID Declarations, this allows for metadata to be associated with an ID instead of just with the SLS file. Simply create a META key inside the ID Declaration:

    foo: bar
    - cidir:

META in Function ctx#

Meta data from the SLS file is accessible within the “ctx” of a state.

Consider the following SLS:

  top-level-sls-meta: True
  key: value

    state-level-meta: True
    key: other_value

    - resource_id: value

In the corresponding cloud.resource.present function you can access this metadata like so:

# idem_cloud/states/cloud/
async def present(hub, ctx, name: str, **kwargs):
    assert ctx.sls_meta == {"top-level-sls-meta": True, "key": "value"}
    assert ctx.meta == {"state-level-meta": True, "key": "other_value"}


META in State contract#

Using the same SLS as above, you can access the meta from a state pre contract:

async def pre_present(hub, ctx):
    func_ctx = ctx.args[1]

    assert func_ctx.sls_meta == {"top-level-sls-meta": True, "key": "value"}
    assert func_ctx.meta == {"state-level-meta": True, "key": "other_value"}
