Jinja Sandbox#

To evaluate untrusted code on an Idem server, Idem enables the Jinja sandbox by default.

If you need to disable the Jinja sandbox, use one of the following options.

On the CLI:

idem state --disable-jinja-sandbox

In the Idem config file:

# idem.cfg
  enable_jinja_sandbox: False

Safe Refs#

The Jinja sandbox only allows hub references to be called if they are on the jinja_sandbox_safe_hub_refs allow list.

By default, only functions under hub.exec are enabled. To enable other references on the hub, add them to the Idem config file.

    # Enable everything under hub.exec
    - "exec.*"
    # Enable everything under hub.tool
    - "tool.*"
    # Enable a specific full reference
    - "my_sub.my_func"