Exec State#

Exec modules can be run from SLS using the “exec.run” state. The return from the exec module is put in the state’s “new_state”, so it can be used in arg_binding. The first comment in the exec module state return is the cli command that can be used to call the exec module. The path is the reference path to the exec module. An exec module named “func” in the directory “project_root/project/exec/exec_sub/plugin.py” has a path of “exec.exec_sub.plugin.func”. It can be accessed on the hub via “hub.exec.exec_sub.plugin.func()”. The path that should be passed to the exec.run state would be “exec_sub.plugin.func” The acct_profile will be used to create a ctx based on the appropriate provider for the given path.

    - path: test.more
    - acct_profile: default
    - args:
      - arg1
      - arg2
      - arg3
    - kwargs:
      kwarg_1: val_1
      kwarg_2: val_2
      kwarg_3: val_3

Output of running the state with --output=json:

"exec_|-exec_func_|-exec_func_|-run": {
    "tag": "exec_|-exec_func_|-exec_func_|-run",
    "name": "exec_func",
    "changes": {},
    "new_state": {
        "args": [
        "kwargs": {
            "kwarg_1": "val_1",
            "kwarg_2": "val_2",
            "kwarg_3": "val_3"
        "ctx": {
            "acct": {}
    "old_state": {},
    "comment": [
        "idem exec test.more --acct-profile=default arg1 arg2 arg3 kwarg_1=val_1 kwarg_2=val_2 kwarg_3=val_3"
    "result": true,
    "esm_tag": "exec_|-exec_func_|-exec_func_|-",
    "__run_num": 1,
    "start_time": "2022-05-31 15:08:13.548936",
    "total_seconds": 0.001457