Kubernetes CRD support#

Idem supports using Kubernetes CRD to execute state. The kubernetes CRD is internally converted into SLS format used by idem.

CRD format#

The CRD format is similar to kubernetes syntax. Following is a sample CRD SLS file:

apiVersion: resource-management.azure.idem.vmware.com/v1alpha1
kind: resource-groups
  name: new-rg
  - resource_group_name: new-rg
  - parameters:
      location: eastus
        env: new-rg
        Unit: CMBU

The above CRD gets converted internally into the following SLS:

  - resource_group_name: new-rg
  - parameters:
    location: eastus
      env: new-rg
      Unit: CMBU

As clear from the above example:

  1. apiVersion together with kind attribute identifies the path reference of the SLS.

  2. metadata’s name is the state id of the SLS.

  3. spec contains any parameters required by the resulting state.

  4. function reference is always present by default, but can be inverted using command-line parameter --invert.


To execute a Kubernetes CRD, command-line parameter --render 'jinja|yaml|k8crd' needs to be specified.

Following example details a resource group creation using CRD as mentioned in previous section:

Click here to see actual execution
$ idem state --output json --render 'jinja|yaml|k8crd' crd.sls
    "azure.resource_management.resource_groups_|-new-rg_|-new-rg_|-present": {
        "changes": {
            "new": {
                "id": "/subscriptions/subscription-id/resourceGroups/new-rg",
                "name": "new-rg",
                "type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups",
                "location": "eastus",
                "tags": {
                    "env": "new-rg",
                    "Unit": "CMBU"
                "properties": {
                    "provisioningState": "Succeeded"
        "comment": "Created",
        "name": "new-rg",
        "result": true,
        "old_state": null,
        "new_state": null,
        "__run_num": 1

Following example details resouce group deletion using the same CRD:

Click here to see actual execution
$ idem state --output json --render 'jinja|yaml|k8crd' --invert crd.sls
    "azure.resource_management.resource_groups_|-new-rg_|-new-rg_|-absent": {
        "changes": {
            "old": {
                "id": "/subscriptions/subscription-id/resourceGroups/new-rg",
                "name": "new-rg",
                "type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups",
                "location": "eastus",
                "tags": {
                    "env": "new-rg",
                    "Unit": "CMBU"
                "properties": {
                    "provisioningState": "Succeeded"
        "comment": "Accepted",
        "name": "new-rg",
        "result": true,
        "old_state": null,
        "new_state": null,
        "__run_num": 1